One of the questions we have been asked by several people (and have probably answered to all of you who stop by here) is, "How did you meet?"
Robin Duggar, a very good friend from AARP, forced us to go out and, clearly, we've hit it off quite well. Robin invited us both out after work to get to know each other (after Sarah swore she wouldn't date anyone at work, and David swore he wouldn't date period).
But we seemed to have a lot in common so David called Sarah up to see if she wanted to go on an actual date; she turned him down (not wanting to date a co-worker); relented the next day, and off we went to dinner and a movie. After a few more dates we decided it made sense to buy a VCR to share (Sarah had cable so we could tape shows we might want to see there), and at about that point David started thinking about his upcoming summer plans: the 20th anniversary Salmon River trip.
He reserved a spot for Sarah (without telling her of course, it was much too early in the relationship for that). We had a great time on the Salmon: Sarah was able to meet David's family and David and Sarah drove over to Seattle so he could be introduced to her brother (just to add confusion, also named David).
Of course another question that has been asked a fair amount is how did the "proposal thing" go? Sarah's favorite answer is "with much style and grace." Let's just leave it at that.