West Coast Whirlwind
More photos to come, but here’s a taste of our whirlwind trip out West for the Hubbard - Zapolsky wedding. We flew out, picked up a car and drove to Sun Mountain Lodge (for the pre-wedding parties and wedding). Then headed to Yellowstone for 4 nights (this is a picture coming up the trail from the Brink of the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone).
The wedding was the social highlight; lots of good people coming together to celebrate in a lovely place with plenty of fun things to do.
And, of course, spectacular scenery as well. Though many of the distant views were a bit hazy due to all the western forest fires.
And from the Tetons, we drove across southern Idaho (Via Craters of the Moon), northern Oregon and stopped at Mount Saint Helens on our way back to Seattle and the plane home
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