The Big Build
This was The Big Build day at the National Building Museum. we took the Metro in and found it full but not so packed as to be uncomfortable or have lines too long to stand in.
Actually, there were really very few lines. Robert had a chance to lay a few bricks outside before we visited with the blacksmiths (also set up outside). The blacksmith made the point that machine shops waste a lot of metal in cutting and grinding, blacksmiths, “move metal.”
That might be a fair trade. Robert was very happy to build away with these for a good long time before we moved on to see what else there was to see and do.
The woodworking was fun as well. There was a small line to get safety glasses and a mallet, but the wait was short. Just about the same wait for the stone workers, and electricians, who were bending conduit.
So we got to see and play with cool, new things and build with Legos. A good day all around.
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