Final run before school starts
We took the boats out one more time before school starts. Not that school will slow us down too much.
This started as a beautiful but hot summer day.
There were big puffy clouds and just enough water to get down from Angler’s Inn to Lock 10.
Robert continues to look good in his boat. His run down Offut Island was very clean — and it’s low enough that it required a bit of maneuvering.
And Yellow Falls was fun again — and again, Robert had a good line. We stopped for a snack and a little water safety practice (or cooling off by floating through a bit of the rapid).
Today we pulled into the eddy at Scott Run to check out the waterfall (I’ll pop up one of Sarah’s photos). But by the time we got through Stubblefield, the dark clouds were chasing us. Just about the time the boats were all tied down, it stopped raining.
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