Big Build
Robert and I went to the Big Build at the Building Musuem today. It was lots of fun; well attended but not completely packed — they had great weather so many things were able to be set up outside.
The showpiece is this attempt at the a new record for largest toy structure. They are shooting for 60 feet tall (and were well on their way when we stopped in).
There were lots of building trades and materials: high tech flooring and hand-carved wood. Robert split off the last piece of this cedar chunk with one swing of the mallet!
Along with the stone masons, brick masons and vehicle petting zoo.
The vehicle petting zoo was clearly the loudest part of the show. Especially the police cruiser; probably the only reason the line was not longer was because it was LOUD: flashing lights and many siren options.
All of which, Robert got to play with. Did you know they have a special siren for approaching interections? The frequency is designed to bounce off buildings and travel around corners.
We skipped last year because it is often so crowded. With the weather being so inviting and fun stuff outside, this year was great.
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