It’s like this…
…Robert has a science fair experiment to see if inflate-gate (the NFL final game had questions about the inflation of the footballs) has any basis in fact.
The experiment involved controlled punts: Does the inflation of the ball affect the distance of the punt?
We cheated a little bit on the rig, Robert’s original plan called for building the full rig — I thought we could reuse our step ladder.
The step ladder formed the framework for a weighted arm that did the actual kicking. And the little metal strap that keeps the step ladder from extending too far also served as a gauge so all the kicks were from the same height.
We did as series of 5 punts at different inflations: 12.5 PSI (standard), 15.5 PSI (overinflated) and 9.5 PSI (underinflated). And then Sarah thought we should do one more set (the first five had a much wider pattern than the others).
And she and I thought we should test extra overinflated and extra underinflated (Robert was starting to get annoyed with us). It was the prettiest day we’ve had in what seems like weeks, so the extra tests seemed like a really good idea — or good reason to enjoy the weather more.
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