We walked over to our favorite tree lot yesterday.
Not quite as planned, it was no longer light as we had some kitty calming to do before we could go: Panzer had found a paper bag and…
Trapped himself inside it. There was a brown, paper bag streak racing through the house; downstairs, then up.
We found some of the bag. But there was still a rope handle wrapped around him as he was hiding under Robert’s bed.
We got him out with treats, checked him over, gave him some dinner, then went to get the tree.
So the decorations went up today.
I think we did well.
And I think Panzer agreed.
Robert is working on replacing the Christmas train around the tree with a Christmas Hot Wheels track.
But he’s still working on getting the curve and loop to work as he’d like.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
And we can barely wait…
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