I realize it’s been a while. I think I’ve been in shock at the level of chaos and confusion the new administration has created.
I support my former colleagues in the federal workforce.
I appreciate those still working, providing services for our country and focused on improving the lives of those who live here. And I’m glad to know some are able to find ways to slow the negative impacts the current admin is having at home and abroad.
I sympathize and support those who have left federal service voluntarily; I know that was a hard decision.
And I’m very sorry about those who’ve been forced out.
Living the last 4 weeks, spending more time than I likely should following the news, has left me shocked and stunned.
Fortunately, we had a visit from Carolee and Doug this weekend.
And that gave us a good reason to enjoy some of the spaces DC has.
We started with a quick trip to the Building Museum — I’m glad to have renewed our membership over Robert’s Christmas break — before the African American Museum. After an afternoon there, I truly regret missing out on the private tour Sarah had shortly after it opened. I was working then; Sarah was working Friday while Carolee, Doug and I toured.
Then on Saturday, Sarah took us to the Library of Congress. It really is a gem, and we had more time and freedom to wander the main reading room than when she took Robert and I in December.
In preparation for the visit, Sarah had also arranged for a Capitol Tour. That was new to me; it’s been decades since I worked for King Broadcasting coveing the Pacific Northwest’s congressional delegation as a TV news photographer.
The main reading room (top two photos) and the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the Capitol helped me feel a little more connected to the government again and provided a sense of long-lasting persistence that I need now.
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