The north east coast of the North Island.
The ferry to Pahia.
Haruru Falls just outside of Pahia.
Whangarei Falls, Whangarei, New Zealand.
The famous Willow Pet Hotel tee shirt at Whangarei Falls.
Team One World's America's Cup challenger
The famous Willow Pet Hotel tee shirt in Auckland.
The Zorbs ready to roll.
The famous Willow Pet Hotel tee shirt at the zorbing run.
The Zorb on the move.
The Zorb begins it's journey.
The famous Willow Pet Hotel tee shirt on the Zorb Run.
The Zorb starts it's long journey down the run.
David speeds down the track.
David speeds down the track.
Sarah's street luge foot photo.
Sarah zipping along.
The chief charges out with his challenge.
Chief with his warriors standing guard
The warriors standing guard.
The warriors showing off there moves.
A maori carver.
The maori concert.
I liked this sign against throwing rocks into the boiling thermal pools.
Sarah the the famous Willow Pet Hotel tee shirt at Hell's Gate.
Sarah the the famous Willow Pet Hotel tee shirt at Hell's Gate.
It really did stink at Hell's Gate.
The bubbling pools of Hell's Gate.
The bubbling pools of Hell's Gate.
The hot water waterfall of Hell's Gate.
Sarah the the famous Willow Pet Hotel tee shirt at Hell's Gate.