Changes/additions based on responses to earlier update from: Cooper, Leland, Carolee and Gail. Read carefullly. This will be on the quiz.
- Oct 19:
Brothers arrive in Columbia at motel arranged by Leland in time for dinner
- Oct.20:
morning - brothers tour renovated State House and State Museum, have lunch and proceed to Tybee
afternoon - brothers check into cottages arranged by Loren and Lelend with Juddie's assistance
afternoon and evening - Carolee and family (and perhaps others) arrive at Tybee cottages
- Oct. 21:
morning and early afternoon - Kate, Sam, Sally, Susan and Loren, David, Sarah and perhaps other cousins arrive
afternoon/evening - first event (picnic? dinner?) of Hendry family reunion as arranged by Juddie
throughout day - beach walking, visiting etc. by cousins
- Oct. 22:
morning - Hendry family reunion event
morning & afternoon - cousins and others enjoy themselves
early evening - all hands event - dinner at Williams Seafood Restaurant with all Savannah Hendrys as arranged by Gail
Carolee and family return to Charleston
- Oct. 23:
morning - brothers and other cottagers depart
brothers, as many as can, reassemble at E & E's mountain house
Uncle Wyman and Aunt Lorraine's best friends in college were Ellison and Xepha (known to some of us as Aunt Bill) Smith.
Love, Uncle Loren