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Mar 19, 2025 |
75 degrees I can’t turn down a 75 degree day :) The level was pretty close to the 3.8 from last month — surprising with the lack of rain we’ve had. But I’m not complaining. It was very nice out (water still chilly, but air was warm). And I would say the water on the lens is proof of a good time :) A little bit of time both on the Maryland and Virginia chutes and some fun in the center chute as well. Let’s see how long I can claim the cold water is keeping me conservative on the river… |
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Mar 07, 2025 |
Stand Up! I went to the Lincoln Memorial for the Stand Up for Science protest today. It was good to see there was a fine turnout, and I thought they could have used another set of speakers further down the reflecting pool as it was sometimes hard to hear where I was. That also strikes me a good sign for the turnout. The focus of the event was on the current administration’s refusal to understand or pay attention or give credence to science. And all the needless suffering and death coming both short and long-term for both Americans and folks around the world from the actions of this administration. I do realize one protest will have little effect. But I hope a steady drum beat of protests will keep the attention of of folks who will help to turn the tide in the mid-term elections. |
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Mar 05, 2025 |
Fun Evening Sarah and I went to see Cory Doctorow at the DC library. He’s doing a book tour for Picks and Shovels, his latest book. And Loyalty Bookstores arranged the stop in DC (I’m not sure how long that link will last — just drop the bookname and try again if it’s broken — and please let me know to correct it). Cory has his point of view, and he’s had time to find the way he want’s to express it (I’ve been following him for years). It was fun to hear it in person. And his explanation of how he got into Science Fiction writing, was astounding! Very much right place at the right time. He had great answers to questions posed but was stumped a bit when asked who he thinks is the best writer on the opposite side of his political / economic spectrum — that slowed him down for bit. |
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Mar 04, 2025 |
More modest brag wall I’ve put a few things from USPTO up at home now. Two notable additions which were not on my office wall: A flag that Seileen arranged to have flown over the Pentagon in honor of my years in federal service. (She was managing TRICARE for the Pentagon under Biden.) And a thank you note from President Biden which Pocket (Sarah P.) arranged while she was working at USDS — she’s no longer there; a loss for the country and stressful for her. On the left: the Silver Medal group award for one of the first web-based performance dashboards in the federal space; my official retirement certificate; the Oval Office photo with President Bush (part of the reward for Bob and I winning a While House News Photographer award back in the day). |
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Feb 26, 2025 |
Nice Day! I couldn’t let a day like today go by without getting out. The Potomac water was cold but the air was over 60. And the sky as blue as could be. It was a very nice change from the polar vortex that we’ve seen a couple of times this winter. The water was cold enough that I was happy to be very conservative and mostly stay dry. Let’s see if I can get out at least once a month the rest of 2025. Sarah says I can count time in a kayak on our Galapagos trip as boating, but I’m not sure I’ll let myself get away with that. (Seems like salt water shouldn’t count.) (At about 3.8, the Virginia chute wave was really calling to me; but I only surfed across once — I really didn’t want to flip today.) |
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Feb 23, 2025 |
Catching up I realize it’s been a while. I think I’ve been in shock at the level of chaos and confusion the new administration has created. I support my former colleagues in the federal workforce. I appreciate those still working, providing services for our country and focused on improving the lives of those who live here. And I’m glad to know some are able to find ways to slow the negative impacts the current admin is having at home and abroad. I sympathize and support those who have left federal service voluntarily; I know that was a hard decision. And I’m very sorry about those who’ve been forced out. Living the last 4 weeks, spending more time than I likely should following the news, has left me shocked and stunned. Fortunately, we had a visit from Carolee and Doug this weekend. And that gave us a good reason to enjoy some of the spaces DC has. We started with a quick trip to the Building Museum — I’m glad to have renewed our membership over Robert’s Christmas break — before the African American Museum. After an afternoon there, I truly regret missing out on the private tour Sarah had shortly after it opened. I was working then; Sarah was working Friday while Carolee, Doug and I toured. Then on Saturday, Sarah took us to the Library of Congress. It really is a gem, and we had more time and freedom to wander the main reading room than when she took Robert and I in December. In preparation for the visit, Sarah had also arranged for a Capitol Tour. That was new to me; it’s been decades since I worked for King Broadcasting coveing the Pacific Northwest’s congressional delegation as a TV news photographer. The main reading room (top two photos) and the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the Capitol helped me feel a little more connected to the government again and provided a sense of long-lasting persistence that I need now. |
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Jan 28, 2025 |
Galapagos Photos Not surprising; I really enjoyed taking pictures of all the cool things we saw in the Galapagos. This was the first big vacation for Sarah and I without Robert — he was in class (and doing well). That was a bit of change and he would have enjoyed it as much as we did. But we did have a great crew to spend the time with. Notes and many more photos in the vacation section. |
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Jan 22, 2025 |
Galapagos! Excellent trip! With some travel challenges. Great crew to spend the week with. I completely recommend making the time to go; it was fantastic. More pictures (obviously) later — I have a lot to go through. Seems like we saw it all: sea lions, penguins, boobies, land and marine iguanas, land and marine turtles, sharks (not hammerheads, though), pelicans, frigate birds, night gulls, etc. And I likely need to catch up more on sleep; the trip back on a red-eye was a long one. |
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Jan 06, 2025 |
Got out the sleds… We’re likely to be down to one after this season. This green one is going strong; our red/orange boogie-board style is showing it’s age, sadly. This one is clearly much faster and tracks further. And, as you see from Sarah’s expression, is really fun! |
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Snowy Day We’re in a little bit of a lull in today’s snow. But it’s the most we’ve had in years already. I’m sorry Robert’s now here to enjoy it. Sarah and I have date to go sledding later this afternoon. |
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