The Minutes of the Annual Williams-Tyler Family Reunion, 2006 |
Minutes from the 66th Annual Williams-Tyler Reunion held on May 6, 2006 The 66th annual Williams-Tyler Reunion was held on May 6, 2006 at 12:00 at the Willow Swamp Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Norway, SC. At 12:00, Milton Dufford, President, welcomed everyone and gave a devotional on Our Heritage. His scriptural reference was from II Timothy 1:3-14. He then called the Business Meeting to order. The minutes from the 65th annual reunion were read by Beth King, Sec, and approved. Jimmy Williams (Treas) gave the treasurer’s report. The balance was ______ Current Report of those who were ill and reports of births, marriages and deaths followed: Births are recorded in the private section of the site and the paper file copy of Williams/Tyler Reunions; they are not included in the public minutes for security reasons. Marriages
Reports by family of those present were then given. Descendants of Janie Williams Tyler and Daniel Swift Tyler in attendance: 1. Daniel Swift, Jr.: Donna Tyler Sticher and June Tyler 2. Janie Theo: None 3. Rufus Guy: None Descendants of Catherine Annie Elizabeth Tyler Williams and Braxton Bragg Williams in attendance: 1. Laura Belle: Belva Brunson Bailey and Bob Bailey, Brenda Bell Jillson, Lana Bell Mattison, Sherry Bell 2. Charles Hiram: none 3. Oscar Tyler: Mickey Williams; Beth, Jim, James Lee and Katherine King; Milton and Esther Dufford 4. Shelley: Shelly and Barbara Williams, Jr. 15. Bragg: Bragg, Salley, Jimmy, Todd and Angie C. Williams; Kaye and Sandra Borgstedt, 6. Annie Lou: none 7. Aubrey: none 8. Ollie Mae: Heyward Dantzler 9. Wyman: Leland Williams Kathleen W. Williams was also in attendance from the Springfield Williams family. Next was the announcement of slate of officers for the next year by Nominating Committee of Leland Willams, Jimmy Williams, and Milton Dufford:
Election was done followed by round of applause. This was followed by a discussion of ideas to help increase interest in and attendance at the reunion: a newsletter, recipe exchange, a reminiscing activity. It was decided that the new President would help make these decisions next year. Email and postal mail addresses were updated. The blessing was done by Jim King and a wonderful meal with fellowship followed. Beth Williams, Secretary |
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