The Minutes of the Annual Williams-Tyler Family Reunion, 2011 |
71st Reunion of the Williams-Tyler Families, May 7, 2011 Forty-six members of the Williams-Tyler families met in reunion in the fellowship hall of Willow Swamp Baptist Church on Saturday, May 7, 2011. This was more than double the number of family members that had attended in 2010. The meeting was called to order by president, Bragg Williams. Pastor Jason Metcalf of Willow Swamp Baptist Church read several meaningful passages in the Bible about families. He asked those in attendance to recall and share any thoughts about what their fathers and mothers had taught them. Barbara Allen Coker, Secretary read the minutes from the 2010 reunion. Bragg Williams, President then asked for any births, marriages and/or deaths that had occurred since May 1, 2010. The following was shared by family members:
Jimmy Williams, Treasurer, stated that he did not have the treasurer’s report with him; however, the next day he emailed the figures for the Treasurer’s Report: Balance on hand from 2010 $ 230.05 Received 2011 $ 402.00 Total Revenue $ 632.05 Paid Out: 2009 Taxes $ 70.12 2010 Taxes $ 70.12 Ice $ 10.00 Paper Products $ 25.00 Postage $ 20.00 Building Rent $ 50.00 Total Expenses $ 245.24 Balance on Hand at May 7, 2011 $ 386.81 Bragg Williams, President, stated that a Nominating Committee had met just before this reunion and had nominated the same 2011 officers to hold the same office for 2012: Bragg Williams-President, Barbara Coker-Secretary and Jimmy Williams-Treasurer. This nomination was approved. Leland Williams asked that everyone look at the Family Tree Maker genealogical information that was on the tables in the fellowship hall and to also make any necessary updates/corrections. He also welcomed the “other” Jimmy Williams from Charleston who is a DNA genealogist. This Jimmy is not related to Braxton Bragg Williams and Catherine Tyler Williams; however he is related to family members from earlier generation Williams/Tylers. Some concern was shared by Brenda Jillson about young family members’ personal information not being on the website (eg. birthdates/addresses) due to safety concerns. Leland asked for guidance on this matter from those in attendance. After some discussion, it was decided that Leland would not put the family tree on the family website until our next reunion. Leland asked for anyone who had opinions to get with him on this matter. Leland also invited everyone to visit the family website, (maintained by his nephew, David Williams) to explore, correct, and update family narrative information. Bragg Williams recognized the first timers attending this reunion:
Glen Tyler Williams inquired about the former location of the Williams-Tyler reunion such as who owns the property now, and who pays the taxes. Jimmy Williams stated that the one of the two lots had reverted to the Tyler family. The lots had previously been up for sale; however, their location was not desirable, and it is still unlikely that no one would be interested in purchasing. Bragg suggested that Glen followup with this matter to see if the property could possibly be sold. The reunion is still paying the property taxes. Kellum Allen noted that he had learned from Leland Williams and Barbara Allen Coker that this year's reunion mailing had been a success in saving postage. (This was due to the fact that each of the nine Head of Family (HOF) agents had been successful in feeding the email information to Leland. Of the approximately 230 family addresses, 3/4 of the announcements went out by email and only 1/4 by postcard stamps. Kellum asked that everyone who received their announcement this year by postcard to please give Barbara their email address if they had email to save on postage for upcoming years. Pastor Metcalf blessed the food and everyone then enjoyed a wonderful time of good food and fellowship. Following lunch, Jimmy Williams lead a tour of the cemetery across the street from the Willow Swamp Baptist Church.
Respectfully submitted, |
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