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Aug 21, 2010

Divide and Conquer
last update: 08/21 @ 14:26
Sarah and Robert are off having fun at the ice skating rink while I enjoy the fun of applying for another job with the feds. I’m not at all sure I would take it if offered, but feel the need to show I’m interested in exploring the option. We’ll see how it goes…

Aug 15, 2010

Lego Madness…
last update: 08/15 @ 17:07
Robert and I checked out the “Lego Architecture: Towering Ambition” exhibit at the Building Museum today. It was really cool. For the record, this skyscraper is too big for our house. A few more photos in Robert’s section.

Aug 14, 2010

Out on the farm
last update: 08/14 @ 23:34
We had a great afternoon at Great Country Farms playing around, eating kettle corn, and picking the very last of the blackberries. Then we headed across the road and up the hill to Bluemont Vinyard to taste a bit of their wares and snack on some fresh baguettes, cheese and fruit. It was a bit overcast and not nearly as hot as it’s been. A fine afternoon (I just wish I remembered to bring my camera — maybe next time).

Aug 08, 2010

Um, I thought y’all were coming with me. :)
last update: 08/08 @ 20:45

Um, I thought y’all were coming with me. :)

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