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Sep 15, 2024

Thank you Evan!
last update: 09/15 @ 18:08

It was a picture perfect afternoon for baseball.

And we were happy to put Evan’s tickets to good use.

We saw the Nats win!

And two of those runs were homers!

A great afternoon!

Sep 10, 2024

Another beautiful day…
last update: 09/10 @ 23:20

… water level was a little low; just under 2.8

But temperature in the low 80s.

Blue skies.

Weekday, so plenty of parking spaces.

And only one class of SUPs on the river.

So plenty of fun.

I left the class in the Maryland Chute and went to play on the Virginia side. When I came back, they were just heading downstream so I had Maryland Chute to myself.

And I’ve never seen deer crossing the back channel before.

I also saw turtles, heron and an egret.

And lots of little fish, every time I looked down.

Sep 07, 2024

Shakedown Cruise
last update: 09/07 @ 15:06

September 6, 2024

We took advantage of the weather to check out our camping equipment (expecting to get more use of it these days). This was just a quick trip to Western Maryland that proved we have the basics covered.

A few more photos in the vacations section.

Sep 02, 2024

Fun evening
last update: 09/02 @ 16:51

Sarah and I went to see Tems at the Anthem last night.

Not an artist I was familiar with; but I’ll happily listen to more often.

And not a venue we’ve been to before. I might spring for “Super Awesome Seats” next time. But maybe just look for a better spot to call our own.

This spot was actually pretty good until the folks in seats in front got up to dance.

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