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Sep 28, 2022

last update: 09/28 @ 17:54

Robert is keeping alive the first day of school photo tradition!

While he’s been at UW for a bit over a month now, most of that was the early fall start program designed to help ease freshman into campus life (especially though moving to Seattle for school).

That program is over and today was the first day of regular classes!

We’re holding our breath to hear how it went. And curious to see if Robert will stop by in the comments to tell us who’s who in this photo (roommate Ben is taller than anyone in this photo).

Here’s the traditional look back:

Sep 25, 2022

Another pretty day
last update: 09/25 @ 11:32

We paid attention to the weather forecast and headed to the river yesterday to avoid the possible rain and thunderstorms today.

With the quick shift to fall weather over the last day or two, it was much cooler than it has been but still a very nice day.

We opted to paddle up the gorge rather than just stay around Angler’s Inn this time.

Always good to see how pretty a spot that is.

Also clear from these photos: the low, fall water level.

2.85 is not unusually low for this time of year.

But clearly (looking at the bathtub rings) lower than the year round average.

We took the easy way out and carried the boats over some of the rocks to get up to what was left of Rocky Island before turning back around to go with the flow.

It was a really nice way to spend the first fall weekend day of the year.

We’re looking forward to more (before it gets too cold).

Sep 18, 2022

Another pretty day on the river
last update: 09/18 @ 23:16

It was another beautiful afternoon.

Sarah and I headed to Angler’s Inn

Just to play around.

We were not the only ones out there.

But there was plenty of fun to be had by all.

We played abound a bit in the Maryland chute.

(I said it was hard but not impossible to flip the inflatable.)

And headed across the river to play around a bit in the Virginia chute.

We even got to see someone’s first descent.

He was on a paddleboard and did OK.

Well, it’s a forgiving spot.

He fell off the paddleboard above the drop.

And he fell off the paddleboard below the drop.

But he was having a good time and carried back up to run it again.

We enjoyed watching him learn to respect the current.

And we enjoyed playing around in the current ourselves.

It really was a lovely afternoon.

I’m looking forward to many more.

Fame continues
last update: 09/18 @ 10:54

Robert and crew made it to the UW Facebook page celebrating the unexpected UW win over Michigan State last night.

We’ll see if that photo stays around as long as one of Robert running across a bridge at his elementary school — that was in their ads for years.

(If you need help, he’s front role, second from left.)

Sep 13, 2022

Fun Weekend!
last update: 09/13 @ 19:45

While Robert is settling into Seattle, Sarah and I took a quick trip up to New York to meet up with Nanette and Adam. They just dropped off their daughter at school upstate.

Sarah met Nanette in the mom’s group back in the day.

We were very sad when they moved back to Australia so it was fantastic to see them again.

We talked about our kids and how it feels send them off into the world. And we saw Hamilton.

It’s very much a great musical.

We need to take advantage of their offer and go visit them.

It really was a very fun, special day and evening to hang out can catch up with them and all they have been up to.

Sep 04, 2022

Back on the Potomac
last update: 09/04 @ 21:53

With Robert settling in to his new routine, Sarah and I headed to the Potomac this afternoon.

It’s been a while since we’ve run Anglers to Lock 10.

This time, with two cars, no need to wave down a taxi or Lyft for the shuttle.

That helped to make sure I had my paddle this time.

The water level was a bit low.

But we still had a fun time on the river out on a pretty day.

It was fun to see what we could see at low water.

And I have to confess to missing a brace at the end of Yellow Falls.

But I went back out play there. Thank you SZap for the excelleng photo.

I expect we’ll do more of this with Covid fading and Rober doing his own thing on the other coast.

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