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Jun 18, 2011

Artwork copies
last update: 06/18 @ 14:14
With the end of first grade, it’s time to copy off Robert’s artwork from this year. Last year we paid a small fortune for a book; this year I thought I could do the photos and we could use the book makers Sarah had good luck with before.

It was a little more complex than expected to get set up — I fondly remember the copy stand in the media arts center at Evergreen’s Library

But this seemed to work.

I really like this and I’ve been meaning to hang it on the wall in my office — the tape keeps coming off. I’m not sure it’s really first grade (vs. kindergarten), but I’ve been thinking about my dad a lot and this just feels good.

Since all the stuff was set up, it was easy to copy so I can post it here.

Kitties doing fine…
last update: 06/18 @ 14:12
Of course, with the lights out for the artwork copy project, how could I pass up our cute kitty dudes? That’s Panzer on the left and Pinker on the right.
Pinker is perfectly capable of looking very regal if she wants to. As she does here.
Panzer is no slouch himself in the regal department.

Jun 15, 2011

Micro-Vacation continues
last update: 06/15 @ 21:23
Part two of our first week of Robert’s summer was a quick trip back to Antietam Creek. Robert and I scouted it out as a possible car-camping, canoeing option a couple years ago when Sarah was cheering Ian on at a Jazz festival (note that Robert is wearing the same hat).

It turned out to as nice as expected. The weather was great and even with a somewhat late start to accommodate the FNS, we made good time getting there and did not end up cooking dinner or setting up camp in the dark.

As I was drifting off to sleep last night (missing my book which I realized I’d forgotten to pack), I had an Oops moment. I bought eggs and brought our cinnamon and syrup but I forgot the challah bread I planned for French toast this morning. It turned out fine as Robert pronounced French Hamburger Buns tasty good (especially after I remembered to add the cinnamon to the eggs).

After a hearty breakfast, we recreated our paddle and showed Sarah what the map says is Knox Island. This time, with less water, it was a bit shallow and we had to push the canoe over some parts. Most interesting was a little no-name creek (you have turn off the satellite photo from the map above to see it through the trees) flowing into the channel. What should have been upstream of the creek was downstream. While what should have been downstream was also downstream. The water level was low enough that the creek sent water going both directions around the island.

And Sarah reminded me of the most spectacular part: we saw both a bald eagle and baby beaver in that little channel on the Virginia side of the Potomac.

Jun 13, 2011

Abstract Art
last update: 06/13 @ 23:41
The afternoon sun was playing with my glass of beer at Uncle Joe’s. Since Robert’s school is over, I’m taking a couple days off the first part of the week and Sarah is doing the same the second part of the week. It’s the start of the vacation season so we thought a mellow evening out to enjoy the great weather was called for.

Long Island Beach
last update: 06/13 @ 23:36
We made a super quick trip up to Long Island to visit with Marc, Michelle and the kids. It was fun, busy time (school moving up, Monster Mini Golf, Pokeman) which we concluded with a nice trip to their local beach. Next time we’ll have to make sure to have more than just a weekend…

It was a little chilly in the morning to get wet, but we dug a really deep hole…

Jun 06, 2011

Deputies Pinker and Panzer
last update: 06/06 @ 21:18
Deputies Pinker and Panzer report for telecommuting duty on the front porch.

Jun 04, 2011

Farmer’s Market
last update: 06/04 @ 12:30
A beautiful morning at the Alexandria Farmer’s Market. Not too hot, blue skies and lots of Gracie Pastry’s bread :)

The Peruvian band was missing, but the high school jazz sax player was pretty good.

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