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Wed, 24 Oct 2007

Uncle Joe’s…
On a rainy day we went back to “Uncle Joe’s” for dinner. “Uncle Joe’s” is really Joe Theismann’s, a nice (an O.K. but consistant) restaurant just across the King Street metro station’s parking lot. That means it’s very close to us and so we have been there several times since Robert was born and walking further down King Street has been less of an option. He likes it; we like; it’s perfect when we don’t want to cook. And tonight who should stop by our table but “Uncle Joe” himself. He was just checking on how the diners liked the place. After introducing himself and making sure we were happy, he said, “Wait one second,” and came back with this photo for Robert. If it’s too small to read on screen, it says, “To Robert, Grow Big and Happy” Signed Joe Theismann #7. That was a very nice way to finish out the evening.



Gina wrote

way cool!!

Grandma Sarah wrote

Dear Robert grandma Sarah and Grandpa have some happy memories of Theismann's restaurant, and walking there from your house ! ! Glad you still like it and got a Theismann photo while you were there ! ! ! Love, frandma Sarah

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