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(This is all the blog posts in cronological order, rebuilt every
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with lots of graphics; please be patient.)
Sarah is off in Long Island visiting Michelle and family — she, Michelle, was going to come down the her 4 kids last weekend but Justin had a nasty fever. Now all but Tessa are under the weather. Since Michelle really wanted a chance to just chat with Sarah over a glass (or two) of wine and was willing to drive down with the kids to do some museum touring in order to put them to bed and talk a bit, and since Sarah really wanted a chance to catch up with Michelle, the train trip up for dinner made some sense.
So while Sarah and Michelle went out after feeding Michelle’s kids, Robert and I walked down to the river and then stopped off at Pines of Florence for dinner on the way home. This was a chance for Robert to compare the spaghetti with meat sauce at the “Pines” with the spaghetti at the Robin Inn in Richmond (where we stopped off last weekend on our way home from a visit with Martha).
SZap wrote
LOVE the way that boy eats. It seemed to me he liked 'Pines" spaghetti just fine!
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