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Nov 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Football… Sort of…
last update: 11/29 @ 11:04
We enjoyed a very Zapolsky Thanksgiving this year with David and Ian coming from Seattle and Harry and Elle coming from New Jersey. Robert is having a really hard time not spending all his time with Ian and Ian is being a great older cousin. Here they are playing a Robert special version of football in the moon bounce.

The rules were not especially clear to me. It went something like, take the football (actually a soft baseball), tell your opponent (Robert was the the Redskins and Ian was the Seahawks) which way you are going to run, then run the other way across the moon bounce. If you get to the other side, you score.

The game became a little more odd when Robert started to announce he was going to go “cat” or “dog.” Then it turned into, “look at that cat…” while he ran past the other team.

Somehow, I think Robert managed to win that game…

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