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Mon, 05 Jan 2009

First Sunday in 2009
Despite all the parties today felt like a quiet, cool kind of day. We had a surprising amount of down time, playing before Evan’s birthday party, reading lots of books at B&Ns in the afternoon, a late lunch visit to Eammon’s and playing crazy eights before the “we’re not doing anything on the last Sunday of winter break” party. All in all a good day, even if missing the one we both love “more than googleplex fish AND chips from Eammons.” (And that’s saying something.) Below are two pics of hanging out at Ciaron’s, with Caroline and sibling, Romeo and Sibling and assorted parents.



David wrote

That is the handsomest pirate I've ever seen. He might just bring back the look. And he seems to be developing his silver tongue skills as well -- what a nice thing to say. (Thank you Ian for teaching Robert about googleplex -- I was sticking with infinity plus one...)


I have NO idea why the dread pirate Robert pic is rotated. It's not that way in the original. As for the silver tongue, well.... yeh -he's got one - and it comes from the heart. (I've been forced to resort to googleplex plus one, but I gave up when he told it to me and just said 'thank you, it makes me feel good that you told me that.' Who's our boo-bear... Night.

David wrote

I think your photo software is too smart: it knew the camera was rotated (it says so in the file) and just rotated the photo for you to look at, but didn't actually change the file so less smart software would show it properly. I just changed the file to rotate properly -- you may need to reload the page or clear you cache to see the change.

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