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Busy Day
We started out the day with Sarah waking up pretty sick with some virusy thing. So Robert and I headed off to Lowes to spend his Christmas gift card on supplies to build a kitty condo. Yes we have our eyes on two kittens, “Pinker” and “Panzer,” who are just a bit young to bring home yet.
We expect to pick them up in week or two and keep them in the guest quarters while Zip Drive adjusts to the idea of new kittens in the house. The theory is with two, they will play with each other and not bother Zip Drive too much.
Robert had a couple good hits; played a good first base. And caught a ball bouncing to his short stop position and had a great throw back to first from there. (They rotate positions each inning.) Also, extra bonus, they used the jersey number for batting order so Robert was last at bat twice and the last batter gets a home run to let all the kids get back home.
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