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Sun, 07 Aug 2011

Lego Brick Fair
This was quite the gathering of Lego aficionados. It was actually a little scary how seriously some folk took this.

Then there was the the just for fun, like the “Grand Ball Contest.” A huge Rube Goldberg contraption for moving balls around several tables. In the background you see the tower, probably 15 feet tall — the balls were carried up by conveyor belt and dropped into a hopper.

From there they were shuffled onto the Ferris wheel and through a few more motorized constructions and a switch-back ramp just like Aaron has for marbles to the end of the line. A Lego train picked them up for the trip back down the tables, around the bend and up the tables on the other site to the starting line.

While the trains were interesting (and I certainly didn’t have any Lego trains in my Lego days), this was pretty cool: a Viking ship built on top of a train bed which was sunken so the “ship” could circle the island. I really liked the foam the ship was kicking up…

(Robert had a good time too.)



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