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Wed, 24 Aug 2011


I have to post something because this should be a once in a century event (maybe Robert will experience two large East Coast quakes, but not likely).

We had 5.9 quake just outside of Richmond yesterday; it was felt all the way up the coast (apparently we have hard rock that transmits shock waves well) into Canada. Robert was in the pool and reported larger than normal waves and one big crash — but didn’t really feel it. Sarah was at work, dismissed and picked up Robert from his day camp, which let out early. I was at work, heating up tea water and stood the doorway of the pantry for the 15-30 seconds that the building shook. We were not evacuated but did have the option to leave early — I had a 4pm meeting with my boss and stayed for that.

Sarah said some pictures were askew at home and one of Robert’s rockets fell off a shelf in his room. All in all, our 100 year old house seemed to have survived it’s biggest quake with no damage. The last quake that size in VA was 1897 (and Charleston had a much bigger quake a couple decades earlier).



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