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Sun, 06 Nov 2011

Closing Weekend
We went to the West Virginia campus of Robert’s School this weekend to help close the place down for the winter. There is a lot of work involved not so much winterizing as minimizing the chance for damage over the months when no one lives there.

Part of the closing work is putting the garden in it’s winter layer of hay.

That involves a lot of raking up the hay from the field next to the garden. And that’s not a small field.

So we were pretty busy this morning filling up three trailer loads of hay. Of course that means a hay ride to cart it to the garden where it’s pitched over the fence.


The kids are pitched over the fence. Or sometimes they jump! Sometimes even the caretaker backs up the truck a bit so you have a higher spot to jump from and it’s easy to clear the fence.

That sort of jump require serious concentration.



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