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Apr 18, 2012

Return to Legos
last update: 04/18 @ 19:14
Robert had a short day at school today so the faculty and staff could participate in a meeting with the re-accreditation team. That combined with the cool, drizzly weather seemed like a great reason to head back to the National Building Museum and their Lego room.

Robert and I built this bridge; well.. I built this bridge with encouragement from Robert (it didn’t take much encouragement). And then Robert wanted to add a little bridge keepers house at the top.

And.. Well… There were some structural issues. I really like the look on Anna’s face in the background. (Yes, we did stay long enough to get to know some of the vacationers we met there.) Robert’s expression is pretty great too.

All was not lost, clearly. This is the bigger, stronger, faster bridge after being rebuilt. The museum staff who were cleaning up said they would leave the bridge up for a while — most structures get recycled after a couple hours. The bridge might make it overnight, since they were closing down as we left.

We’re going to be sad to see that exhibit go. It’s already been extended a year so I don’t think they will extend it another year. We’ll say goodbye to it as Robert enters the third grade in September. We were introduced in August, 2010 and have been back several times.

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