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Jun 17, 2012

Happy Father’s Day
last update: 06/17 @ 21:36
The weather was perfect again. This time Sarah was able to come to the river too. And that meant Robert had a chance to try out her kayak.

It’s still a little big for him but we may have a line on boat more his size. He reports one of his teachers has an outgrown kids Jackson kayak that she might be willing to pass along to Robert.

He’s starting to look like that might be a good thing — though he did ask, as all new kayakers do, how to keep the boat going straight?

I had a chance to see how stable the canoe is when surfing, pretty impressive actually — though the Virginia Chute is very forgiving. I was able to sit on the wave a couple times with my paddle out of the water.

Sitting back in the back so the bow is even higher up, I was able to get a little bit of blast; which was fun.

I didn’t have any luck talking Robert into joining me on the wave, but he did enjoy swimming through the rapid several times — with his goggles on, of course.

He’s gotten really comfortable there and was fine going by himself — though I did join him once or twice — he can get further into the rapid if I give him a gentle toss :)

I wonder if we’ll start creeping up the shore and swimming through the top wave from above instead of just jumping out from the eddy line — a careful, horizontal jump, there are rocks in there.

And Sarah had a chance to enjoy surfing as well. It is a fun spot. And did I mention that the weather was perfect (and the parking gods smiled again — there was a place to leave the car in the lower lot).

All in all, a great Father’s day!

Thank you family!

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