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Cold Weekend
Sarah was feeling under the weather so Robert and I headed out to the West Virginia campus to help close down that facility. Maybe Robert will go to summer camp there this summer. It was pretty chilly when we showed up Friday night — note the double sleeping bag (and hat and scarf).
The next day (Saturday) was pretty cool as well, but we warmed up raking some hay and doing lots of other chores (the locust was back so helped whack down the hillside above the pond).
Because of the presidential election this year, there was an election at the closing weekend as well — complete with electoral college and strong motivation to get the work done.
The parties were the kids (10 and younger), the adults (over 18) and the “other” party (11 to 18). The party with the most popular votes (chores completed) in a state won that state’s electoral college votes.
We’re waiting to see how it all turned out, but Robert (seen here making his stump speech), offered to combine his votes into a coalition with Doug, representing the adult party. Doug then promised his electors to Robert over lunch today. So it looks promising for Robert to be West Virginia campus president for the next four years….
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