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Sat, 01 Dec 2012

Scottish Walk I
 Today was the annual Scottish Christmas Walk in Alexandria. Always a fun time with lots of bagpipes and marching. Every year, we think about joining the clan and marching.

This was not the year. Maybe we’ll add a reminder to the calendar to get in touch with MacNaughtons next year. Their presence seems to be growing a little bit every year.

 Sarah is fighting a wicked cold and it was blustery and breezy this morning. Robert, who was getting excited yesterday, was less so by this morning.

I almost decided to miss my best chance at hearing the pipes and drums (I’m fighting a sore throat), but I decided to head on down King St. at the last minute.

 I was impressed at the crowds for a blustery morning. And I got one of the last front row spots — fortunately, in a great position. I don’t think three photos will do it justice so I’ll pop up another post…



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