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Thu, 29 May 2014

 I just sent an email to National Geographic customer support asking for help renewing a gift. And I pulled out the email I sent them last year with different problems while trying to pay them money.

I’m not sure I’m making progress; last year it was “offer code invalid for recipient 1” when I didn’t use an offer code. The year it was “PT REQUIRED (NO TERM VAL) WITH OPT LEVEL DIGT DEMO OFFERS” — no matter which term I selected; though all the terms were the same 12 issues. Of course it would be nice to know what the difference between options 1 and 3 is (clearly option 2 is $20 cheaper for the same thing).

Ah well… I’m sure this will be straightened out over the next several days.



David wrote

Despite seeing only errors on the web page, the nice customer service folks said the renewal went through -- at the $19 rate.

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