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Wed, 21 Dec 2016

Today, snorkling

We had a mellow start to the day and then headed to Smith Cove — down on the southern end of the west coast.

That was a very cool beach: sand, rocks, coral, ironshore. It had it all. We got out the masks, fins and snorkles to check out the coral.

The visibility was not good right at the beach, but after a short swim, we were past the sand churn and the visibility got a lot better.

This is Robert doing his underwater Dab.

And this is me doing my underwater shrug.

After a lot of swimming around, some laying in the sun to warm up and dry off, we headed to Sunset House for lunch.

While we munched, we watched the cruise ships load and unload. I guess the docks in George Town are not big enough: the ships anchored and ferried folks back and forth to shore.

There was some coral for snorkling, but it was depressing to see folks coming out of the water with fan coral in their hands.



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