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Mon, 01 Jan 2018

Happy New Year!!!

It was pretty cold this year for New Years with the temperature around 15 or so. We mostly stayed at home in front of the fire.

And with Robert’s help, we celebrated New Years in Kathmandu, Istanbul, St. Mary’s Canada, San Juan Puerto Rico and then Alexandria.

In Alexandria, the city did a very nice job with the fireworks. We left our fireside about 11:50 and walked up the steps at the Masonic Temple to check them out at the foot of King Street.

That got us back home to run around the house (thank you Norman’s for not minding us cutting across your yard), sweep our troubles off the porch and eat our grapes under the table.

If asked, Robert will report that there are way more jokes about grapes than raisins.

Hoppin John and getting ready to go back to work and school are on the agdenda for today — indoor activities as the temperature is not expected to get above 25 today.

Here’s to hoping 2018 is a more sane year and we can turn the corner on the political craziness.



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