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Tue, 30 Jul 2024

Thank you Robert

For my retirement, Robert gave me this set of Aston Martin F1 lego cars.

Appropriate as we have been watching F1 since Drive to Survive during the pandemic.

And I have a soft spot in my heart for Aston Martin ever since James Bond.

I thought, as a retirement gift, it would be only proper to take the time to build the cars on a normal workday (for those not yet retired).

It still hasn’t really sunk in for me.

I think, mentally, I’m seeing this as a staycation at the moment.

It’s nice to be able to get some normal things done during the week.

And to have time to read the paper and my book.

And Sarah and I are getting excited for two trips: this fall to visit with family in South Carolina and this winter to head the Galapagos!

I have some more retirement photos to post in the next couple days. In between reading, boating and relaxing :)



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